Being intentional about caring for your emotional and physical health is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. But how do you do that as a busy mom? These simple yet effective self care ideas for moms are my tried and true tips every mama needs to know about.

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Being a mama is the best, but it can also be exhausting. If you’re anything like me, you crave some alone time and some time to recharge. The saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”, and while cliche, it is so true.
Mom burnout is real. We’re wearing so many hats and our to-do lists are endless. We are taking care of everyone else’s needs often times our needs are at the end of the list. As a mama myself, it’s easy to forget to do things that nourish who I am. Self-care is vital to a healthy heart, mind, and body and is crucial to being the best mama you can be.
In this post, I have put together a simple yet effective list of small things you can realistically implement into your daily life. These tips will greatly impact your mood, well-being, and self-esteem.
Once I figured out what self-care practices fill up my cup, it was a game-changer! My healthy self-care habits have made a massive difference in my ability to cope with being pulled in so many directions daily. I’m confident that at least one of these tips will help you too.
Self-care looks different for everyone, but today I’m giving you the ultimate list of self care ideas for moms that I swear by.
If you’re a mama who is feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and looking for something new and inspiring, then this post is for you. Once these tips become a habit, you are going to learn the importance and necessity of daily self-care.
This post is all about must have self care ideas for moms.
1. Gratitude Journal
I started gratitude journaling years ago and it was life-changing for me. Focusing on what I’m grateful for each morning is a great way to start the day, an instant mood booster, and really helps to put things into perspective. I have found The Five Minute Journal to be my favorite and have recommended it to many of my family and friends. I even gifted it to my husband, mom, and best friend. Gratitude journaling in general is a great self-care idea for moms or anyone that wants to focus more on the goodness in their life.

This journal is a must-have in my life! It has a gratitude list, a daily inspirational quote, and a spot to add daily affirmations to boost confidence and positive manifestation. Simple yet effective in improving your mental wellness, it is the exact journal I use and recommend as one of the best self-care ideas for moms.
2. Make Fancy Coffee
Take your coffee to the next level by frothing your milk of choice! Add in cinnamon and vanilla extract and revel in the luxurious feeling of a coffee shop latte at home. Over the years, my coffee has slowly transformed into what it is today. Just recently I treated myself to a milk frother and it is worth all the hype lol. For years I used a very inexpensive handheld milk frother or you could even heat your milk on the stove. This is a self-care practice I can do at home that makes me feel special and is something I enjoy.

3. Wake Up Before Your Kids
I recently started doing this and I love it! On the days I wake up earlier, I have a much more successful day. It really does make a difference in my morning mood.
It feels amazing to be productive with my goals first thing in the morning and have some time to myself. When I’m consistent with this morning routine it makes a positive impact on my mental, emotional and physical health. Making time for myself in the morning has given me more patience, and a clearer mind. I feel more positive and peaceful, and I’m more self-aware.
My morning routine consists of gratitude journaling followed by reading a page or two out of a poetry book, then I make my coffee and work on my blog.
One of my favorite poetry books is by Yung Pueblo called Clarity and Connection. It’s deep, soul-searching, and extraordinarily beautiful.
4. Meditate
Taking a few minutes each morning to be still in your thoughts is an incredible way to care for yourself. I personally like guided meditation and there are so many free ones on youtube or meditation apps. I like that they prompt you with questions or phrases and soothing music as it helps me to stay focused.
Meditation has helped me heal past pain, visualize my ideal future and practice mindfulness. It encourages me to live more in the present moment. Intentionally being more present allows me to let go of the past and stop worrying so much about the future. It inspires me to enjoy my life and what is happening right now in this very moment.
It is an exceptional way to get rid of my anxiety, calm my mind, and become happier.
5. Daily Walks
Daily walks have been a part of my life for decades. Walking is so therapeutic for me. Being in nature has many benefits including reducing stress and improving your health. The break from technology and all the to-do’s in the home is so refreshing.
Nature is truly a gift and always has something to offer you. Fresh air, sunshine, and observing the birds, can all lift your mood.

Walking was one of the first healthy habits I instilled in my son. We look forward to this part of our daily routine. He gets to explore, I get to de-stress and we both get exercise and the many benefits of nature.
6. Exercise
Adding 12-20 minutes or more of exercise into your routine will help you glow and gain a confidence boost! A workout always puts me in a better mood and makes me feel strong and accomplished.
Exercise has so many mental and physical health benefits. Consistent exercise will increase your energy, and improve your memory and quality of sleep. It will reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, and protect you against many chronic diseases. Plus you’re setting a great example for your little one. Making your health a priority is important and vital to being the best you.
{REALATED POST: How Moms Can Fit In Fitness}
7. Oil-infused Epson Salt Bubble Bath
Taking a bath is a great way to decompress, have some alone time, and is a free self care idea for moms. Personally, I like to add lavender-infused Epson salt to my bath. The one I like to use is Dr. Teal’s Lavender salt. It is calming and relaxes and soothes sore muscles.

I recently bought this bamboo bath tray and I love the way it looks and holds everything I need. I like it to be as spa-like as possible to really feel pampered.
This is the bamboo bath caddy that I use and love. It’s great quality, affordable, holds everything I need, and looks elegant lying across your bathtub.
8. Take A Day Off Social Media
I do this periodically and it’s a great way to recharge. Social media is addicting and it’s supposed to be. I try to follow people/posts that are inspiring, and relatable, however, it’s difficult not to compare every now and then.
Taking a day off allows me to be more present and it breaks the addiction that can happen if we’re not careful.
9. Daily Affirmations
I started doing daily affirmations with my son when he was about two years old. I remember sharing this with my therapist and she said, how amazing, but do you practice daily affirmations for yourself? That was my wake-up call. If I want to be a good role model for my son then I need to practice what I preach.
Daily affirmations have changed the way I view myself. Affirmations are self-empowering. This positive thinking has enriched my life in many ways.
I subscribe to the I am app and it’s incredible. It’s free and alerts me with affirmations throughout the day. Taking several moments in my busy day to read something uplifting improves my mental health. I highly recommend it!

This is what the app looks like and like I said, I use the free version and it’s great!
10. High Five Yourself
This tip will take tip #9 to the next level. This idea came from Mel Robbins and if you aren’t familiar, she’s an incredible motivational speaker. I find her not only motivational but inspiring. Through research and science, she has proven that high-fiving yourself in the mirror each morning has a positive impact on the way you see yourself. I’m also reading her book, The High 5 Habit.

At first, it was uncomfortable to high-five myself, but now it has become a habit. It has proven to be an excellent way to give myself love and start my morning. Try it!
11. Have A Phone Call With Someone You Love
This could be your best friend, your mom, or any important person in your life. Check-in with them, and let them know how you’re feeling. Discuss the highs and lows of your life at the moment and feel the love between the two of you. Talking to someone that values you and that you value will enrich your life and boost your mood.
12. Listen To A Positive/Motivating Podcast
There are so many excellent podcasts out there. Usually, I choose to listen to a podcast while I’m getting ready in the morning or while I’m cooking dinner. Podcasts are a great personal development tool and I have learned a lot from adding this tip to my life.
13. Listen To Music
My son Isaiah loves music and loves to dance! No matter what kind of mood I’m in, when the music plays, we both can’t help but smile and dance. Music is therapeutic and fun!
14. Indulge In Your Favorite Show
Sometimes we all need to unwind for the evening relaxing on the couch with our fav show. There’s nothing wrong with unplugging and escaping life for a bit with a show you enjoy. I personally like reality tv or comedy shows/movies.
15. Go Out To Eat
I love cooking and making up new recipes. But about once a week, I need a break. Sometimes we order in but there is something about going out that is exciting.
It’s a nice change for family dinners. We get to try out a tasty new meal, meet new people, and see more of our town. And it’s a perfectly refreshing way to reset and give me a night off from cooking!
I hope you can take away at least one of these tips to try in your own life. Cheers to YOU!