Are you looking to change your life in 30 days? If you implement these 5 tips for the next month, I guarantee your life will change for the better.

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During the summer most of us are more relaxed with our schedules, going with the flow, vacationing, etc. But when fall hits, we get back into our routines and it reminds us that the end of the year is approaching and the new year is almost here. This is a great time to go over any goals you set for this year because you still have time to check them off your list.
Accomplishing any goal takes determination, dedication, and time. We are always seeing everyone’s end goals on social media, tv, etc. Most people don’t share the effort, focus, and hard work it took for them to get there.
With the 5 tips below, I promise you can change your life for the better in as little as 30 days and if you keep at these tips, you will be well on your way to the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Here’s what you can expect if you regularly practice and incorporate these tips:
- A healthier more positive attitude
- More peace and happiness
- New opportunities which can typically lead to more money
- Deeper connections, with yourself, family, and friends
And that’s just the start…
This post is all about 5 tips to change your life in 30 days.

1. Stick To Or Create A Healthy Morning Routine
How we start our day really does make a difference in how the rest of our day will go. What I have found helpful is to start my day with gratitude, whether writing in a journal or simply saying out loud what I’m thankful for first thing in the morning. Then I pay attention to what I’m immediately putting into my body; water should always be first in my opinion. Add in any other positive things like hugging your child or pet, meditating, watching the sunrise, etc. In other words, start your day with positivity and self care.
2. Be Mindful Of What You Consume and Who You Spend Your Time With
If you want to accomplish your goals and change the direction of your life you need to get real about what you’re consuming. The news, celebrity gossip, too much social media, and a negative friend or family member, it can all affect our attitude and how we see the world. I personally don’t want this type of stuff in my energy. I rarely watch the news but I do go on social media almost every day and it’s pretty impossible not to get some bad news, gloom or sadness slipped into my scrolling and it really does impact me negatively. Limit your time with this stuff or replace it altogether with something like a book or a walk.
Also, pay attention to who you spend most of your time with. A quote I recite to myself often is, “you are who you surround yourself with”. It’s so true. Be around people that are positive and lift you up and consume info that makes you feel inspired and good about yourself and your life.
3. Clean Up Your Diet and Add Daily Movement
I am so much clearer when I am treating my body right. When I’m eating healthy, making sleep a priority, and not having a drink in the evenings, life is easier. My body craves some sort of daily movement so it is a must for me too. Walking, stretching, or exercise can greatly impact our mental and physical well-being.
When I’m not making healthy choices, I’m just not as sharp. But when I’m going on daily walks and watching what I put in my body, I am better able to focus because I feel healthy. With the end of the year approaching, it’s crunch time and if you take care of your body, you will feel better and you may just accomplish one more goal before the year is over.
4. Recognize and Celebrate Your Wins
There is something that you can be proud of accomplishing already this year. Maybe you started eating healthier, did some self-healing, became a parent, bought a house, found happiness, etc. For me, there are a few things but one is I started waking up earlier and that gave me time to finally follow my passion and start my blog. Recognize your wins, be proud of yourself and give yourself credit for how hard you worked to get to where you are today.
This goes into my next tip: to celebrate those wins and love your life the way it is right now. Go out to a celebratory dinner with your best friend, treat yourself to a coffee, or go for a walk on the beach. Share your victories with someone you love or even with yourself.
And plan things that you can look forward to in your day-to-day life like cooking a delicious dinner or going to the beach with your family. Just celebrate you and what your life looks like right now and appreciate what you’ve already done and what you already have. Our brains need that verification and gratitude.
5. Take A Look At Your Current Goals
You probably made a list of goals at the start of the year, I know I did. Now that you have recognized and celebrated your wins, you feel good and motivated. This is a great time to revisit your goals from the beginning of the year and see which ones you still want to achieve.
A book that helped my husband and me with some of our goals is The Twelve Week Year. It encourages you to reset and re-evaluate your goals every three months or twelve weeks as if it was a whole new year. This is an excellent strategy to keep you on track and hold yourself accountable so you can achieve your goals.