Here are seven special ways to have the best Valentine’s Day at home. No fancy expensive dinners or high expectations. Just low-key ways to make yourself, your significant other, and your kids feel the love on Valentine’s Day.

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I think Valentine’s Day comes at the perfect time of year! The holidays have passed and we’re a little over a month into our new year resolutions and goals. The cold of winter weather is still upon us and the nights are long.
Just when it feels as if there’s not much to look forward to, Valentine’s Day is here! People are filled with love and happiness, there are red and pink hearts everywhere and it can be a day that’s filled with love.
But I’ll admit not every Valentine’s Day has been something to celebrate for me, and in fact kind of a day I dreaded whether I had an S.O. or not.

It wasn’t until last year after doing a lot of inner work, healing, and self-development that I decided to view Valentine’s Day differently.
I used to have expectations from my S.O. and if they didn’t meet them, I was disappointed on Valentine’s Day. As if this day marked their love for me and all the other 364 days of the year didn’t count. The pressure society puts on us, women especially, for what we should be expecting on Valentine’s Day, needs to change.
So I decided last year that I would use that day to celebrate myself as well as the ones I love. And honesty it has been a game changer for me and this holiday that I know so many of us have mixed feelings about.
Valentine’s Day can also be about celebrating our kids. In fact, when I was growing up, my mom made it a point to celebrate my brother and me every Valentine’s Day. She really made us feel like a million bucks. It was her simple gestures and thoughtful planning that always made me feel special.

And ever since I had my son, I have made it a point to continue my mom’s tradition and make him feel special on Valentine’s Day too.
Below I share some simple ways to celebrate not only your S.O. but your kids and most importantly, yourself this Valentine’s Day.
This post is all about 7 special ways to have the best Valentine’s Day at home.
Special Ways to Have the Best Valentine’s Day at Home:
1. Flowers, Flowers, Flowers!
I know this seems so simple and straight forward but don’t wait to see if you get flowers this Valentine’s Day. Instead, buy yourself flowers. I can confirm it really takes the pressure off if you’re “expecting” them from someone else.

Bonus tip I started years ago; buy yourself weekly flowers when you grocery shop. You can get fairly inexpensive ones and you’re worth it. I love having fresh flowers on my kitchen island at all times, it makes me happy and it feels good to do something special for myself on a regular basis.
2. Heart-Shaped Pancakes
This idea can be for you, your kids, or the whole family! Most everyone loves pancakes and it’s quite easy to make them into hearts.

I first made these when my husband and I were newlyweds and while I think he could care less, I loved them! They are so cute and festive! Of course, I now make them for my son and he gets so excited and appreciative! You can get the best pancake recipe here.
3. Everyday Smoothie
This is a super easy idea! Turn your daily smoothie into a festive smoothie with simple heart-shaped sprinkles! Simply make your usual smoothie recipe and add red, pink, and white sprinkles on top! Bonus if the sprinkles are heart-shaped.

4. Homemade Valentine’s Cards
Classic yet so thoughtful, a homemade Valentine’s card goes a long way. My son and I love doing arts and crafts together. As a kid, I specifically remember making homemade Valentine’s cards. There’s something about the colors and hearts that gets me in a good mood

I also enjoy coming up with cute and sweet poems to give to my husband and son. A simple, “roses are red, violets are blue” but with your own twist is so very heartfelt.
5. Make and Decorate Muffins or Cookies Together
My son and I love to bake together and he loves decorating with frosting and sprinkles even more. There is something about mixing all the ingredients and helping that kids seem to really enjoy. Let them do most of the work frosting the cookies or muffins with red and pink frosting and decorating them with a ridiculous amount of sprinkles. Or make this easy and delicious chocolate chip blondie recipe to decorate!

It’s a fun bonding experience and a yearly tradition to do together. My son gets so excited and proud when he points out which muffins and cookies he created. It will be messy but it’s so worth it!
6. Dollar Store Decor and Gifts for Kids
I hit up the dollar store for every holiday. They have great inexpensive holiday crafts and decorations that won’t break the bank. They also have darling small holiday gifts for kids. The gifts don’t have to be anything expensive or extravagant, it’s the thought that counts.

My mom would set out an adorable heart-shaped box and inside would be a couple small gifts, like a bracelet and stickers. It was the surprise of the gift that made me feel special, not the gift itself. For my son, I do something similar, like a book, matchbox car, ball, or stuffed animal.
7. Date Night In
My husband and I are pros at doing date nights in. We are trying to be better about having a date outside the house every now and again but don’t underestimate staying at home for date night.
There are so many ways you can make Valentine’s day at home special. Simply a movie and take-out may be right up your alley. Or you could make it more romantic by dressing up, lighting candles, and turning on some music.
Whatever you and your S.O. are into, it’s the quiet, quality time spent between the two of you, that shows your commitment and appreciation for your relationship.
Happy Valentine’s Day Friends!